Seminars and workshops

Seminars organized by the Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Competence Centre (CK:PAP) are events disseminating the results of ongoing projects and thus increasing the knowledge of various stakeholders and society.

DARTS-PL “Database of autonomous vehicles road testing scenarios” project seminars

DARTS-PL: Database of autonomous vehicles road testing scenarios financed by NCBiR under the GOSPOSTRATEG VIII program aims to develop an original database of test scenarios for autonomous vehicles (AV), taking into account road conditions typical of Poland. The database will constitute the basis for the design, creation, testing and evaluation of (according to SAE J3016) L3-L5 vehicles’ perception systems. In the initial phase of implementation, the project focused on infrastructure aspects and road traffic safety (seminar 1), then continued the topic, expanding the scope to technical aspects (seminar 2).

December 14, 2023 –1st DARTS-PL Seminar

March 19, 2024 –  2nd DARTS-PL Seminar

1st DARTS-PL Seminar
December 14, 2023

2nd DARTS-PL Seminar
March 19, 2024

Legislative workshops

Legislative workshops organized by the Autonomous and Connected Vehicles Competence Center (initiated as part of the AV-PL-Road project) are meetings aimed at discussing the possibility of testing automated and autonomous vehicles on public roads in Poland.

The main goal of the meetings was to develop changes to current road traffic regulations, allowing for the removal of barriers to testing innovative technologies on national public roads. An important aspect was taking into account requirements made by automotive industry and meeting the requirements set by the central administration.

Organizing meetings in the form of workshops enabled the exchange of views and interests of various stakeholders, including vehicle manufacturers, components providers and technology companies. The events were observed by representatives of the Ministry of Infrastructure, which resulted in the development of a draft amendment to the Road Traffic Law.

Legislative workshops organized by the Autonomous and Connected Vehicles Competence Center:

AV-PL-ROAD “Polish road to road transport automation” project seminars

During the implementation of the AV-PL-ROAD project “Polish road to road transport automation” financed by NCBR under the GOSPOSTRATEG I program, a number of analyses were carried out and reports were prepared, which were presented and discussed during a series of meetings. They concerned, among others: issues related to vehicles and road infrastructure construction technical requirements, type-approvals, social and road safety requirements. The invited speakers included national experts in the field of road transport automation. The seminars enjoyed unflagging popularity, each time bringing together several dozen representatives of administration, industry and science.

Seminars organized as part of the AV-PL-ROAD project:

  • March 22, 2021 –  Introductory seminar

  • April 26, 2021 –  Technical aspects of the implementation of automated vehicles
  • May 26, 2021 – seminar organized by WUT for the Scientific Council of the Civil Engineering and Transport Discipline of WUT entitled “Contemporary challenges related to road transport automation”
  • June 21, 2021 –  Future challenges for automated road transport
  • October 4, 2021 –  Social challenges in the era of road transport automation
  • December 8, 2021 –  The role of humans in the era of autonomous vehicles
  • February 9, 2022 –  Legal, technical and insurance aspects of road transport automation