Expert activities
The main goal of our activity is to provide expert support to the government in safe and efficiency implementation of vehicle autonomy technologies in Poland, evaluation of these technologies based on best international practices at various level of SAE standard, as well as monitoring and initiating national research areas in the field of road transport automation.
The main tasks of CK:PAP include in particular:

CK:PAP implements the most important tasks indicated in this field in the Sustainable Transport Development Strategy until 2030 in terms of openness to the implementation of this technology, legal changes ensuring the possibility of autonomous driving, rational implementation of infrastructure changes, including traffic management and most importantly, defining the rules for testing and introducing autonomous vehicles, in a way that ensures safety and social acceptance for such technology. The activity of CK:PAP also implements the assumptions of the above-mentioned Strategy, addressing the most important problems of technological development of road transport and eliminating the existence of the institutional weakness trap in this field.
CK:PAP cooperates with many research units in the country, such as universities, large automotive concerns as well as start-ups, which are suppliers of new technology solutions. The Centre’s experts take part in national R&D projects as well as in international projects financed by the European Union. CK:PAP also conducts commercial activities that involves sharing it’s laboratory equipment for research.