CK:PAP is a partner of Droniada 2024!
The team of the Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Competence Center (CK:PAP) has joined the group of partners and co-organizers of Droniada Tech by Silesian University of Technology – a conference on robotic mobility that will take place on June 4-5, 2024 at the Silesian Stadium in Chorzów. Head of CK:PAP, prof. Ph.D. engineer Marcin Ślęzak joined the Council of Mentors, and MSc.Eng. Aleksandra Rodak (Coordinator for international cooperation) became a member of the Organizing Committee. The event is part of Droniada 2024 – a multi-day meeting consisting of a technological competition, workshops, conferences and shows.
As part of Droniada Tech, on February 22, 2024 (Thursday) at the headquarters of the Motor Transport Institute, an expert debate on “Social, economic and technical challenges of autonomous road transport” will be organized. CK:PAP, together with the Mikromakro Institute Foundation, will conduct a physical inventory of what actions should be taken to make this technological megatrend come true. Invited guests will share their knowledge and opinions with us. The meeting will be recorded and its transcript will be available online.
Then, in September 2024, the report “Robotic mobility: conclusions and recommendations” will be published. We trust that the status of autonomous road transport will be agreed upon among experts from the automotive and IT industries. We will identify the main social, economic and technical challenges. As a result, we will be able to compare these opinions with the opinions of representatives of rail, sea and drone transport.
The CK:PAP team invites you to read the detailed information about the event at: