SMI iViewX™Hi-Speed500/1250


SMI iViewX™Hi-Speed500/1250 is a system that uses the non-contact optical method for eye tracking. It belongs to the family of static systems in which to increase the accuracy of the measurement the examined person’s head remains motionless. The device enables the examination of a single selected eye with a frequency of 1250 Hz or both eyes with a frequency of 500 Hz. Typical measurement accuracy is below 0.01°. The processing latency is less than 0.5 milliseconds, and the entire system latency is less than 2 milliseconds. The system is characterized by high tolerance for glasses and contact lenses. The system measures the eye position (in the x and y coordinate system) in pixels or millimetres, pupil width (relative and absolute measurement). The high frequency of the system’s operation allows for additionally recording of eye movements, which are impossible to be registered in other systems. The system enables accurate registration of saccade parameters (movement related to the change of the object of observation) and micromovements: tremors with a frequency of about 90 Hz, which are most likely due to the imprecise role of the muscles, involuntary shifts moving the eye away from the fixation centre, and micro-movements causing the eye to return to its target position.

The systems (both SMI Glasses and SMI iViewX ™ Hi-Speed500 / 1250) are complemented by software for conducting eye tracking experiments and data processing. Experiment Center™ is an editor for easy designing and carrying out eyetracking experiments in Hi-Speed devices. The visual method of building a research scenario makes the experiment possible even for inexperienced people. The stimulus presentation is performed in any order (also with automatic sorting). The user can randomize and group the stimuli, define the subjects by any feature (age, sex, education, etc.). During the experiment, the researcher has an “on-line” view of the results and the possibility of adding comments. After completion of the test, a detailed protocol of the results is generated with precise measurement of the execution time. The program interface is divided into several areas where the user has access, e.g. to the test scenario, stimulus parameters, preview of the subject’s face and the results presented in real time. The software user has practically unlimited possibilities of selecting the stimuli. They can be text, image, video, website, pdf, console games, or any other stimuli presented in the software written by the user (e.g. in Java or C ++). BeGaze™ is a results management and analysis program. Specially designed options allow you to present the results in the form of: heat maps, focus maps, “bee swarms”, areas of interest including dynamic AOI (Area of Interest), key AOI results, matrix, line charts, data percentage distribution and more, over 100 statistical variables. All this with a filter function, taking into account group and randomization data from the Experiment Center™. The software enables the export of results to a file readable by all popular statistical programs, e.g. MATLAB, SPSS, Excel.