Autonomy Paris 2022!

On March 16-17 Autonomy Paris 2022 conference took place and CK:PAP experts, involved also in the Trustonomy project shouldn’t have missed this event! In the two days we had an opportunity to join many interesting sessions, panels and presentations related to autonomous mobility. On the exhibition area different market players were presenting new technologies for smart city including autonomous shuttle buses. The event was not only concerning theoretical part, but many different demonstrations were conducted. First time ever Navya, the French company, was demonstrating to the open public how one operator can supervised many of the autonomous shuttle buses at the same time.


Interview with CK:PAP experts for EFA

Interview with CK:PAP experts for EFA Motor Transport Institute (pol. Instytut Transportu Samochodowego, ITS), is one of the partners of the Trustonomy project. In this interview, Małgorzata Pełka and Aleksandra…


The effectiveness of the AEB system in the context of the safety of vulnerable road users

According to the analysis by the National Police Headquarters, roughly 40% of all road accident victims in Poland are vulnerable road users (VRU), i.e. pedestrians and cyclists. Their protection has become one of the priorities for action regarding road safety. For this purpose, various activities are carried out aimed not only at human behaviour or the development of modern and safe road infrastructures but also at the development of modern vehicles, including advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS).


Adaptation to driver-assistance systems depending on experience

Many tasks that until recently could only be performed by humans are now entrusted to machines. Automation plays an increasingly important role in many areas of life, and its special role is observed in broadly understood transport, affecting the mobility, behaviour, and safety of drivers. Faced with the threat of a large number of accidents, deaths, and injuries, vehicles equipped with driver-assistance systems, the so-called ADAS (advanced driver-assistance system), are a significant support for the driver in reacting to the unexpected situations. The studies conducted so far indicate that the experience of using these systems may increase not only the comfort but most of all the safety of road users. In Poland, such analyses are still a challenge.


Driver’s tasks in the context of the increase in the degree of automation of road transport

The publication adopts the SAE J3016 standard as the one that defines the level of vehicle autonomy. Gradually, the role of the driver, especially in terms of driving, will decrease, and the last 5th degree of automation will be achieved thanks to the complete elimination of the driver. Through the broadly understood research in the field of drivers' tasks (literature, information from enterprises and labor offices, face-to-face interviews), it can be stated that not all of them will be able to implement autonomous vehicles.


Estimated assessment of the potential impact of driver-assistance systems used in automated vehicles on the level of road safety in Poland

Strengthening road safety in the face of the enormous development of the automotive in recent decades is crucial. The safety benefits of automated vehicles are paramount. Automated vehicles have the potential to remove human error in road traffic, which will help protect drivers and passengers, as well as pedestrians and bicyclists. The carried-out forecasts are pioneering for Polish road traffic conditions. In England, studies have been carried out to determine the estimated impact of autonomous vehicles on road safety in simulated traffic conditions on the motorway.


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