Requirements for test drives of automated vehicles in road traffic in Switzerland

Authorized testing of automated vehicles was allowed in Switzerland in 2015. Currently, permits for tests (only with the participation of the driver) are issued by the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC). As part of the amendment to the Road Traffic Act, on March 17, 2023, the Swiss Parliament granted the Federal Roads Office (FEDRO) the authority to issue permits for test drives of automated vehicles in road traffic.

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Renault Group - Experimentation Auntonomous Shuttle @Roland Garros 2024
© Olivier Martin Gambier

Renault: real-world demonstration of Level 4 minibuses at Roland-Garros 2024

“Humans are responsible for 80 percent of the consequences of accidents. From the manufacturer's point of view, the idea is to eliminate this factor through safety couching.” – said Andrzej Gemra from Renault Group Poland during an expert debate co-organized by CK:PAP.


Prospects for the implementation of automated and autonomous vehicles on the example of Switzerland

The 18th meeting of experts on automated, autonomous and connected vehicles (GRVA) was held on January 22-26, 2024 in Geneva. One of the topics discussed during the event was the legal regulations regarding automated driving in Switzerland. Switzerland is one of the first countries, apart from discussions regarding the technical requirements of Automated Driving Systems (ADS), to start implementing the approval of vehicles equipped with ADS in road traffic.


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