Electromobility and Autonomous Transport Section of the Committee on Transport Polish Academy of Sciences meeting
On February 17, 2023, the Electromobility and Autonomous Transport Section of the Committee on Transport Polish Academy of Sciences meeting, chaired by the head of the Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Competence Centre, prof. Marcin Ślęzak, Ph.D., D.Sc., was held at the Faculty of Transport of the Warsaw University of Technology.
The scope of activities and topics discussed during the meetings of the Section include: issues related to autonomous mobility in relation to various modes of transport, the safety of autonomous means of transport and the development of education and training in a virtual environment, including the use of driving simulators.
During the first meeting this year, three papers were presented by members of the Section:
- “Autonomous transport in intralogistics systems” – prof. Konrad Lewczuk, Vice-Dean for Science and Development at the Faculty of Transport, Warsaw University of Technology.
The presentation concerned autonomization in internal transport, autonomous vehicles used in intralogistics, such as intelligent forklifts, drones, as well as AGV and AMR driving mechanisms, traffic and security control, Real Time Location Systems and elements of Industry 4.0. - “Levels of autonomy of rail vehicles GoA (Grades of Automation) and the development of BKJP (Safe Train Running Control) class systems based on electronic permits to ride” – prof. Marek Pawlik, Deputy Director for Railway Interoperability, Railway Research Institute.
The presentation covers selected standards for railway traffic, the development of the levels of autonomy of rail vehicles in historical outline, as well as currently used technical solutions in the field of safety systems, traffic control systems, train guidance and communication systems, as well as selected issues regarding international traffic. The author of the paper also raised the issue of the pace of autonomization of railway vehicles, as well as factors that may delay the implementation of this type of vehicles on the railway. The time to implement new solutions in rail transport is much longer than for other types of transport, which results from the specificity of rail transport, including the much longer time of using rolling stock. - “Road wheel as an important element (weak link?) of an autonomous vehicle” – prof. Jerzy Jackowski, Director of the Institute of Vehicles and Transport, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Military University of Technology.
The presentation concerned the construction of road vehicle wheels, including historical solutions, current concepts and technological trends taking into account the use of new materials, projects and innovative applications. There was presented the impact of these solutions on the safety and driving parameters of motor vehicles, including autonomous and electric vehicles.

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