From July 7, 2024, changes in the mandatory equipment of new vehicles

In order to improve road safety, in particular to reduce the number of road accidents resulting from human errors, the European Union is introducing regulations aimed at changing the current situation. From July 7, 2024, every new vehicle sold in European Union countries must be equipped with the following safety systems: ADDW - Advanced Driver Distraction Warning, ISA - Intelligent Speed Assist, AEB - Autonomous Emergency Braking, REIS - Reversing Information System, EDR - Event Data Recorder.


AI supports the development of perception systems. ZF presents the Annotate service

Cameras, radars, lidars and ultrasonic sensors continuously provide information that allows the vehicle to create a three-dimensional image of its surroundings. Systems need to recognize various objects in real time, including: vehicles, people, lanes and road signs. The German company ZF has proposed a proprietary solution in this area - ZF Annotate. The cloud-based AI service is designed to accelerate the development and verification of advanced driving automation systems.


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